Compare Numbers up to ten thousand Quizzes


Compare Numbers up to ten thousand

Students compare 4 digit numbers using >, <, and = symbols or is less than, is greater than, is equal to to see which is bigger, smaller, or equal.

1 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

8,535 _____ 8,533

2 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?:

6,390 _____ 6,397

3 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

2,361 _____ 2,366

4 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

3,193 _____ 7,691

5 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?:

1,464 _____ 1,937

6 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

3,491 _____ 7,523

7 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

2,549 _____ 2,542

8 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

8,192 _____ 8,192

9 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?:

3,156 _____ 3,986

10 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?:

1,256 _____ 1,605

11 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

8,879 _____ 8,108

12 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

2,387 _____ 2,347

13 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

4,527 _____ 4,558

14 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?:

3,691 _____ 3,696

15 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

3,901 _____ 3,908

16 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

5,671 _____ 5,675

17 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

3,403 _____ 5,847

18 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

6,789 _____ 6,740

19 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

4,309 _____ 4,309

20 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which sign makes the statement true?:

5,929 _____ 5,955

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Today, we’re going to learn how to compare numbers all the way up to 10,000. Don’t worry, it’s easy once you know the trick!

How Do We Compare Numbers?

When we compare numbers, we want to figure out which number is bigger or smaller. To do that, we look at the place values, starting with the biggest one – the thousands!

  1. Look at the thousands place. This is the first number on the left. If one number has more thousands, that number is bigger. For example, 3,567 is bigger than 2,999 because 3 is more than 2.
  2. If the thousands are the same, check the hundreds place. Let’s say we are comparing 4,567 and 4,234. Since the thousands are the same (both start with 4), we look at the hundreds place. Because 5 is bigger than 2, we know 4,567 is the bigger number.
  3. If the hundreds are the same, check the tens place. For example, comparing 4,520 and 4,530. The thousands and hundreds are the same, so we look at the tens place. Since 3 is more than 2, 4,530 is bigger!
  4. If everything else is the same, check the ones place. If you’re comparing 4,532 and 4,531, everything is the same except the ones place. Here, since 2 is more than 1, 4,532 is the bigger number.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Now you know the steps to compare numbers! Keep practicing by finding two numbers and comparing them to see which one is bigger or smaller. Soon, you’ll be a pro at comparing numbers up to 10,000!

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