Compare Numbers up to Hundred Thousand – Quiz


Compare Numbers up to Hundred Thousand

Compare five-digit numbers by using the symbols > (greater than), < (less than), and = (equal to) tı determine which number is larger, smaller, or the same.

1 / 4

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?

47,032 _____ 47,036

2 / 4

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?

45,593 _____ 45,536

3 / 4

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?

44,227 _____ 47,527

4 / 4

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

Which words make the statement true?

42,183 _____ 49,073

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How to Compare Numbers

When comparing two numbers, we use the following symbols:

  • Greater than (>): This symbol shows that a number on the left is larger than the number on the right. For example, 95,000 > 87,000.
  • Less than (<): This symbol shows that a number on the left is smaller than the number on the right. For example, 32,000 < 64,000.
  • Equal to (=): This symbol shows that both numbers are the same. For example, 50,000 = 50,000.

Step-by-Step Guide to Comparing Numbers Up to 100,000

  1. Start from the left: Compare the digits from the leftmost side, which is the highest place value (ten thousands place). This gives you a clue which number is larger or smaller.
    • Example: Compare 72,345 and 68,947. The leftmost digits are 7 and 6, and since 7 is greater than 6, we know that 72,345 > 68,947.
  2. Check the next digit if the first digits are the same: If the digits in the highest place are equal, move to the next digit (thousands place) and continue comparing.
    • Example: Compare 45,876 and 45,321. Since the ten thousands digit (4) is the same, move to the thousands digit (5). Because 8 is greater than 3, we know that 45,876 > 45,321.
  3. Continue comparing digits: If necessary, continue comparing digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones places until you determine which number is greater, smaller, or if they are equal.
  4. Use the symbols: Once you’ve figured out which number is larger or smaller, use the correct symbol to show the comparison. Remember:
    • Greater than (>)
    • Less than (<)
    • Equal to (=)

Practice Example

Let’s compare the numbers 96,785 and 96,743:

  • Start by comparing the ten thousands digit. Both numbers have 9 in this place.
  • Move to the thousands digit. Both have 6 in this place.
  • Move to the hundreds digit. Both have 7 in this place.
  • Move to the tens digit. The first number has 8, and the second number has 4. Since 8 is greater than 4, we can conclude that 96,785 > 96,743.

Why Is This Important?

Learning to compare numbers helps students develop a strong understanding of place value and number sense. These skills are the foundation for more complex math concepts they will encounter later, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with larger numbers.


By mastering how to compare numbers up to one hundred thousand, students can confidently determine which numbers are greater, smaller, or equal. Practice regularly, and soon this skill will become second nature!

Fun Activity: Try comparing numbers with a friend or family member. Make it a game! Write down different five-digit numbers and see who can correctly compare them the fastest.

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