Compare Numbers (order 4 digit numbers from least to greatest)


Compare Numbers (order 4 digit numbers from least to greatest)

Arrange four-digit numbers in order from smallest to largest.

1 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,389 5,428 ?

2 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,432 4,220 ? 9,814

3 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,363 ? 8,839

4 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 5,088 6,967 9,528

5 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 5,890 7,252 9,932

6 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,640 4,448 ? 8,616

7 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,296 ? 8,296

8 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,815 ? 9,421

9 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,841 ? 9,560

10 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,746 ? 7,843

11 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,444 ? 8,076

12 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,559 5,521 ?

13 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,491 ? 9,643

14 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,074 ? 8,541

15 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,660 6,667 ?

16 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,811 5,622 ? 8,103

17 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 5,227 6,380 9,163

18 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

3,642 6,378 ?

19 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,698 4,834 ? 9,722

20 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

2,222 6,944 ?

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Comparing and Ordering 4-Digit Numbers from Least to Greatest

Title: Learn to Compare 4-Digit Numbers and Put Them in Order!

Introduction: Hey kids! 🌟 Today, we’re going to learn something super fun and useful — how to compare big numbers, like 4-digit numbers, and put them in the right order from least to greatest. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds! Let’s get started.

Step 1: Understanding 4-Digit Numbers

A 4-digit number is any number that has four digits. Here are some examples of 4-digit numbers:

  • 2,134
  • 7,569
  • 1,009

The value of a 4-digit number depends on each digit and its place in the number. For example, in 2,134:

  • The first digit (2) is in the thousands place.
  • The second digit (1) is in the hundreds place.
  • The third digit (3) is in the tens place.
  • The last digit (4) is in the ones place.

The higher the digit is in the thousands place, the bigger the number is!

Step 2: Comparing 4-Digit Numbers

Now, let’s learn how to compare two 4-digit numbers. We always start by looking at the thousands place.

Let’s compare 2,134 and 4,567:

  • In 2,134, the first digit (thousands place) is 2.
  • In 4,567, the first digit (thousands place) is 4.

Since 4 is greater than 2, we know that 4,567 is greater than 2,134.

But what if the thousands digits are the same? Let’s compare 2,134 and 2,452:

  • The first digits are both 2, so we move to the next place — the hundreds.
  • In 2,134, the hundreds digit is 1.
  • In 2,452, the hundreds digit is 4.

Since 4 is bigger than 1, 2,452 is greater than 2,134.

Step 3: Putting Numbers in Order (Least to Greatest)

To put a group of numbers in order, compare each one. Let’s try putting these 4-digit numbers in order:

  • 4,512
  • 3,678
  • 5,234
  • 4,120
  1. First, compare the thousands place:
    • 4,512 (thousands digit: 4)
    • 3,678 (thousands digit: 3)
    • 5,234 (thousands digit: 5)
    • 4,120 (thousands digit: 4)

    The smallest number here is 3,678 (because 3 is smaller than 4 and 5).

  2. Now compare the two numbers that have a 4 in the thousands place:
    • 4,512 and 4,120.

    Since the thousands place is the same, we move to the hundreds place. The hundreds place for 4,512 is 5, and for 4,120 it is 1. Since 1 is smaller, 4,120 comes next.

  3. Finally, we place the largest number last, which is 5,234.

Now, our order from least to greatest is:

  • 3,678
  • 4,120
  • 4,512
  • 5,234

Order 4 digit numbers from least to greatest