Compare Numbers (order 3 digit numbers from least to greatest)


Compare Numbers (order 3 digit numbers from least to greatest)

Compare three-digit numbers and order numbers from least to greatest

1 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

368 432 ?

2 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

173 ? 979

3 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

346 533 ?

4 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

235 372 ? 911

5 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

358 ? 944

6 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

186 ? 714

7 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

108 406 ?

8 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 463 605 970

9 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

335 520 ?

10 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 395 577 756

11 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

140 465 ? 822

12 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 304 566 810

13 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

313 537 ?

14 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

143 ? 992

15 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

176 ? 789

16 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

263 496 ? 826

17 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

299 443 ? 901

18 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

? 348 615 813

19 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

298 527 ?

20 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What number comes in the place of ? to complete the sequence from least to greatest?

144 668 ?

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Comparing 3-Digit Numbers: Order from Least to Greatest

Hey there, 3rd graders! 👋 Today, we’re going to learn how to compare three-digit numbers and put them in order from least to greatest. Don’t worry, it’s super easy, and we’ll have fun while learning!

Let’s look at these numbers:

  • 234
  • 567
  • 123

Our job is to figure out which one is the smallest and which one is the biggest.

Step 1: Look at the Hundreds Place

Each number has three digits. The first digit (on the left) is in the hundreds place. This is the most important digit when we compare numbers. Let’s see the hundreds digits:

  • 234 has 2
  • 567 has 5
  • 123 has 1

Which number has the smallest hundreds digit? It’s 1, so 123 is the smallest number.

Which number has the biggest hundreds digit? It’s 5, so 567 is the largest number.

Step 2: Put the Numbers in Order

Now that we know 123 is the smallest and 567 is the largest, let’s place them in order from least to greatest:

  1. 123 (smallest)
  2. 234
  3. 567 (biggest)

Final Answer:

The numbers in order from least to greatest are: 123, 234, 567.

Order 3 digit numbers from least to greatest