Compare Numbers (Make largest or smallest 5 digit number)


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Compare Numbers (Make largest or smallest 5 digit number)

Arrange the digits to form either the largest or smallest possible 5-digit number.

1 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
4 - 5 - 9 -1 - 5

2 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
5 - 3 - 0 -5 - 9

3 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
9 - 6 - 3 -9 - 0

4 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
9 - 1 - 9 -5 - 0

5 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
5 - 3 - 8 -2 - 5

6 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
1 - 3 - 2 -9 - 5

7 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
8 - 5 - 0 -2 - 3

8 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
2 - 3 - 7 -0 - 6

9 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
9 - 4 - 0 -1 - 8

10 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
0 - 2 - 9 -9 - 3

11 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
5 - 9 - 6 -1 - 4

12 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
3 - 2 - 1 -7 - 6

13 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
1 - 7 - 9 -0 - 6

14 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
3 - 6 - 1 -9 - 7

15 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
7 - 5 - 0 -1 - 1

16 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
3 - 7 - 6 -1 - 9

17 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
7 - 0 - 1 -5 - 8

18 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
0 - 1 - 3 -6 - 7

19 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the greatest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
6 - 0 - 4 -7 - 3

20 / 20

Category: Grade 3/Ordering and Comparing/Compare Numbers

What is the smallest whole number you can make using all of the following digits?
0 - 6 - 5 -7 - 1

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Compare Numbers: Make the Largest or Smallest 5-Digit Number

Do you know how to create the largest or smallest 5-digit number using any set of digits? It’s all about arranging the digits in the right order! Let’s dive into how you can do it.

How to Make the Largest 5-Digit Number:

To create the biggest 5-digit number, you simply need to arrange the digits from largest to smallest. For example, if you’re given the digits 3, 8, 5, 1, and 9, here’s how you do it:

  1. Step 1: Look at all the digits.
    • The digits are 3, 8, 5, 1, and 9.
  2. Step 2: Arrange them from biggest to smallest.
    • The largest number is 9, then 8, followed by 5, 3, and finally 1.
  3. Step 3: Put the digits together.
    • The largest 5-digit number you can make is 98,531.

How to Make the Smallest 5-Digit Number:

To create the smallest 5-digit number, you’ll want to do the opposite—arrange the digits from smallest to largest. Let’s use the same digits (3, 8, 5, 1, and 9) and flip the order:

  1. Step 1: Look at all the digits.
    • The digits are 3, 8, 5, 1, and 9.
  2. Step 2: Arrange them from smallest to largest.
    • The smallest number is 1, then 3, followed by 5, 8, and 9.
  3. Step 3: Put the digits together.
    • The smallest 5-digit number you can make is 13,589.

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