Comparing Numbers to Find the Smaller Number (Up to Millions)
When we compare large numbers, like those in the millions, it’s important to understand place values. Each digit in a number has its own place, such as the millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, and so on. By comparing the digits in each place from left to right, we can easily find which number is smaller.
How to Compare Large Numbers
Let’s break it down step by step:
- Start with the left-most digit: Look at the millions place first. If one number has a smaller digit in the millions place, it’s automatically the smaller number.
- If the millions place is the same: Move to the next place, the hundred thousands, and compare those digits. Continue this process until you find different digits.
- Compare until you find a difference: The number with the smaller digit in the highest place value will be the smaller number.
Let’s compare these two numbers:
- 9,957,269
- 9,112,956
Start with the millions place: both numbers have a 9 in the millions place, so we move to the hundred thousands place. Here, we see a difference: 9 is greater than 1. Therefore, 9,112,956 is the smaller number because it has a smaller digit in the hundred thousands place.
More Questions on Compare Numbers (smaller up to Millions)