Place Value (How to Write Numbers in Digit Form up to ten millions) – Quiz


Grade 5 /Whole numbers and place value

Place Value (How to Write Numbers in Digit Form up to ten millions) - Quiz

Test your skills by writing large numbers in digit form! This quiz will help you practice converting words into numbers up to ten millions.

1 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

1. How do you write following number using digits?

eighty- thousand, two hundred four

2 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

2. How do you write following number using digits?

five hundred ninety-seven thousand, three hundred eighteen

3 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

3. How do you write following number using digits?

three hundred forty-eight thousand, four hundred seventy-seven

4 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

4. How do you write following number using digits?

sixty-five thousand, eight hundred sixty-nine

5 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

5. How do you write following number using digits?

seven hundred ninety-six thousand, nine hundred sixty-nine

6 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

6. How do you write following number using digits?

seventy-eight million, nine hundred forty three thousand, seven hundred ninety-eight

7 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

7. How do you write following number using digits?

ninety-eight million, six hundred thousand, five hundred

8 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

8. How do you write following number using digits?

nine hundred thousand, fifty

9 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

9. How do you write following number using digits?

thirty-four million, three hundred thousand, six hundred

10 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

10. How do you write following number using digits?

fifty- thousand, three hundred eighty-four

11 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

11. How do you write following number using digits?

thirty- thousand, two

12 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

12. How do you write following number using digits?

seventy-five million, one hundred sixty three thousand, one hundred eleven

13 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

13. How do you write following number using digits?

two million, one hundred one thousand, six hundred forty-five

14 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

14. How do you write following number using digits?

seven hundred thirteen thousand, forty-four

15 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

15. How do you write following number using digits?

three million, four hundred five thousand, ninety-one

16 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

16. How do you write following number using digits?

two million, eight hundred seventy eight thousand, nine hundred forty-four

17 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

17. How do you write following number using digits?

five hundred fourteen thousand, nine hundred

18 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

18. How do you write following number using digits?

five hundred thousand, seventy

19 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

19. How do you write following number using digits?

fifteen million, one hundred thousand, three hundred

20 / 20

Category: Grade 5/Whole Numbers and Place Value/Place Value

20. How do you write following number using digits?

thirty-one thousand, three hundred twenty-eight

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What is Place Value?

Place value is a way to tell how much each digit in a number is worth based on where it is in the number. In a number, the position of each digit tells us its value. The farther left a digit is, the bigger its value!

For example, in the number 4,532,789:

  • The 4 is in the millions place, so it means 4,000,000.
  • The 5 is in the hundred thousands place, which means 500,000.
  • The 3 is in the ten thousands place, so it means 30,000.
  • The 2 is in the thousands place, which means 2,000.
  • The 7 is in the hundreds place, so it’s worth 700.
  • The 8 is in the tens place, so it’s worth 80.
  • The 9 is in the ones place, which means 9.

So, when we put all those values together, the number 4,532,789 means 4 million + 500 thousand + 30 thousand + 2 thousand + 700 + 80 + 9.

Writing Numbers in Digit Form

Sometimes, numbers are written out in words, and we need to change them back into digits. Here’s an example:

  • “Five million, three hundred twenty-four thousand, one hundred fifty-seven” becomes 5,324,157.

To do this, we find where each word fits in the place value chart:

  • “Five million” means the 5 goes in the millions place.
  • “Three hundred twenty-four thousand” means the 324 goes in the hundred thousands, ten thousands, and thousands places.
  • “One hundred fifty-seven” means the 157 goes in the hundreds, tens, and ones places.

By knowing place value, you can write any big number correctly!

More Questions on Write Numbers in Digit Form up to ten millions)