Comparing Numbers: Ordering 5-Digit Numbers from Least to Greatest
When we compare numbers, especially large ones like 5-digit numbers, we want to figure out which number is the smallest and which is the largest. Let’s learn how to do this step by step!
Steps to Compare 5-Digit Numbers:
- Look at the first digit: The first digit in a 5-digit number is the most important. A number that starts with a smaller digit will always be smaller. For example, 12,345 is smaller than 34,567 because 1 is smaller than 3.
- If the first digits are the same, check the second digit: If two numbers have the same first digit, move to the second one. Let’s compare 12,345 and 12,678. The first digit (1) is the same, but the second digit (2) is also the same. So, we look at the third digit. Since 3 is smaller than 6, we know 12,345 is smaller.
- Continue checking the digits: If the first few digits are the same, keep moving to the next digits. For example, if we compare 12,345 and 12,346, the first four digits are the same, but the last digit is different. Since 5 is smaller than 6, 12,345 is the smaller number.
Let’s order these 5-digit numbers from least to greatest:
- 54,321
- 12,345
- 67,890
- 23,456
- 12,789
Step 1: Start with the smallest number. The number 12,345 has a 1 in the first digit, so it’s the smallest.
Step 2: Now, compare the rest. The next smallest is 12,789 because it also starts with 1, but 7 is larger than 3.
Step 3: Continue comparing the rest of the numbers. After 12,789, the next smallest is 23,456, then 54,321, and finally, 67,890 is the largest.
So, the correct order from least to greatest is:
12,345, 12,789, 23,456, 54,321, 67,890